For what we do
Healthy Community Services is a 501c3 non-profit organization located in the 7th ward of New Orleans, LA. The organization works in collaboration with Water Wise Gulf South; Global Green NOLA; Recharge NOLA and the Greater Tremé Consortium on the Water Wise Tremé and Water Wise 7th Ward Initiative.
Mission Statement:
Healthy Community Services is committed to educating vulnerable communities with the knowledge to make informed decisions concerning resilient sustainable lifestyles and nutritional needs by creating access to healthy food choices; leading healthy lifestyles inclusive of safe homes, workplaces & neighborhoods; and promoting the incorporation of sustainable green infrastructure alternatives into everyday living. Integrity and commitment are paramount to providing a successful, healthy service to those we serve.



Healthy Community Services help residents grow their understanding about how coastal land loss and flood risk impacts communities in New Orleans and across Louisiana.
Individuals should have an appetite for problem solving and be open to creating connections between their professional and home lives with coastal challenges and opportunities.
HCS provides Informational Sessions, which leads to a four-week cohort, advancing to a 6 month fellowship. Topics include land use, strategic adaptations; advocacy, insurance costs as well as understanding the economic impacts of the Mississippi watershed.
Water Wise 7th Ward continues to engage, educate and empower residents around the issues of urban storm water management.
25 residents have been trained as Neighborhood Champions in this neighborhood. A part of the training residents receive includes a Visioning Session where they identify chronic flooding problem areas and propose green infrastructure solutions inclusive of residents, businesses, faith-based organizations and iconic institutions.
Water Wise 7th Ward has held five workshops in 2018 with over 70 participants.
Urban Agriculture Program is designed to teach urban residents how to reduce food insecurity by growing vegetables, herbs and fruits in a sustainable manner. The goal of this program is to improve the quality of life and provide healthier food choices for residents.


