By Angela Chalk and Lois Debacker. November 29, 2021.
Have you read Angela Chalk's latest oped in Along with her co-author Lois Debacker, of the Kresge Foundation, Ms. Chalk, the Executive Director of Health Community Services, challenge the United States Congress to follow communities of color that are leading the way to a resilient future. To read the full oped, we encourage you to click on The Hill's banner below to access this important and informative read.
Key take aways from the oped:
Research shows that flood damage will cost the U.S. $20 billion this year alone and is expected to rise by 61 percent in 30 years.
The solutions that work best are those led by residents themselves. Communities of color are closest to the problem of urban flooding, therefore are closest to the most effective solutions.
Since 2013, Healthy Community Services, in partnership with the Greater Tremé Consortium, the Upper 9th Ward Bunny Friend Neighborhood Association and Water Wise Gulf South, has planted more than 500 trees and implemented over 150 green infrastructure projects — adding more than 50,000 gallons of storm water retention capacity to flood-prone areas.
Equally important, green infrastructure brings jobs to local community members and provides opportunities to build wealth for everyone. Numerous reports and research studies predict that jobs linked to green infrastructure will expand in the coming years.